Dibbya Pravas Dasgupta

Graduate Student

Centre for Health Services and Policy Research

School of Population and Public Health

The University of British Columbia

Email: dibbya@student.ubc.ca; dibbya297@gmail.com

“All models are wrong, but some are useful”

- George E. P. Box

I am a statistician and current graduate student at UBC who enjoys conducting research on public health and Statistical Learning. My research endeavors began in my fourth year of undergraduate studies at Jahangirnagar University, where I earned my bachelor's and graduate degrees in Statistics. Since then, I've worked to expand my understanding of statistics and my research skills through both domestic and international collaboration. Furthermore, I've managed several eager young researchers and one independent research team. I also provide data analysis assistance to numerous organizations and individuals, in addition to teaching R, SAS, STATA, and SPSS.

Research Interest: Stroke Epidemiology, Maternal and Newborn Health, Mental Health, Nutrition, and Statistical Learning.

Skill & Expertise: Survey Design and Analysis, Biostatistical Modeling, Demographical Modeling, Experimental Design, Multivariate and Correlated Data Analysis, Statistical Learning, Longitudinal Data Analysis, Academic and Technical Writing, Data Pre-Processing, and Data Visualization.

From Data to Decisions: A Statistician's Diary